Features and Benefits

    Our AI copilot platform can save you and your team significant time while enhancing the quality of analysis and insights.

    Advanced AI-powered analytical capabilities

    Our platform leverages AI to empower in-depth analysis of interviews. From basic summaries to complex tasks like SWOT analysis, effortlessly extract insights, find quotes, and perform group analysis.

    • Abstract insights in seconds
    • Analyze by companies
    • Find comprehensive quotes
    • Analyze by groups

    Unprecedented transcription and translation quality

    The BTI platform offers superior transcription and translation capabilities, removing filler words and repetitive words, enhancing clarity and readability across multiple languages.

    • State of the art transcription
    • No filler words
    • Client-facing ready
    • Impressive translation quality
    • No repetitive words

    Transform transcripts in multiple ways

    Transform high quality interview transcripts into clean Question & Answer format, comprehensive notes, or aggregate interview responses by companies or groups.

    • Question and answer format
    • Interview responses aggregation
    • Comprehensive notes

    Automated tag creation and value capture

    Upload your question list and let AI recommend the relevant tags and tag options and fill the tag values based on the interview transcript. Compile tag responses across interviews to build dynamic dashboards or export data into Excel.

    • AI-driven tag creation
    • Compile tag responses
    • Tag values auto-fill
    • Export into Excel

    Integrated Dashboard for Quantifiable Tag Values

    Our integrated dashboard, built specifically for qualitative research, allows you to effortlessly convert quantifiable data points from interviews into clear visualizations, eliminating the need for complex Excel analysis.

    • No more complex Excel analysis
    • No manual data updates
    • No more complex charting tools
    • Easy data export

    Transparent AI insights with transcript references

    Ensure accuracy with all AI responses linked to the underlying transcripts. Easily review and verify details with clickable references for complete confidence in your data analysis.

    • Transparent insights
    • No AI hallucination
    • Easy verification and review

    Trusted by Global Partners

    We have helped our clients across the globe substantially increase their qualitative research efficiency and quality, helping them stay ahead in the AI revolution.

    Satrix Solutions Testimonial

    Satrix Solutions is a leading and reputable voice of customer, voice of employee and win-loss analysis service provider. Research methods include indepth interviews and survey.

    Key points from Satrix Solutions

    • Highly responsive to requests
    • Impressive transcript quality
    • Strong AI analytical capabilities
    • Dynamic dashboard


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    Common Questions

    Will my data be used for training?
    You have absolute control over your data. No data will be used for training purposes.
    Do you offer a trial project?
    Yes, we offer a one month unlimited trial for $499 with free onboarding training to get your team started.
    What does BTI stand for and where is the company headquartered?
    BTI stands for Boston Tech Insights. Our company is headquartered in Boston, MA, USA. Boston is a beautiful city on the East Coast of United States.
    How do you ensure the data security?
    All data is encrypted using industry-standard strong encryption both in transit and while at rest.

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