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Privacy Policy

Version 0.7
May 2024

This document describes the information we collect and store about users of our service and how we use that information. It also describes how you can view, change and delete this information.


  1. Information that we collect
  2. How we use your information
  3. How we disclose your information
  4. International data transfers
  5. Retention of your information
  6. Security of your information
  7. Use of third-party service providers
  8. How you can view, edit and delete your information
  9. How to contact us regarding your information
  10. GDPR Privacy Notice

  1. Information that we collect
  2. We collect information both automatically as you use our service as well as information that you directly enter into the service. We collect information in the following categories:

    1. Account Information
    2. Registered clients will provide various pieces of information as part of establishing a contract with us. This will include business name, address, phone number, email address, a contact name, a billing contact, and so on.

    3. Billing information
    4. Clients must provide billing information such as credit card or other agreed payment methods.

    5. User information
    6. Users are added to the client's organization using their email address and name. Users can optionally choose to upload a profile image.

    7. Communications with us
    8. Emails, texts, chats, voice messages, letters and any other communications you send to us as well as our responses to you.

    9. Project content
    10. Details you enter into the service regarding the projects you are working on including your acquisition targets, their customers and vendors and their interview responses and comments. These details can include tabular and free-form data as well as voice recordings and transcriptions of voice recordings.

    11. Bug reports and feature requests
    12. Discussions of problems with our service and requests for new features.

    13. Web server logs
    14. Your use of our web services causes your computer’s IP address, the date and time, your browser information, and any referring site details to be logged.

  3. How we use your information
  4. We use the information you provide in order to provide our services to you and in order to comply with applicable laws.

    We store the information you provide in databases on servers that we operate which may be our own servers or cloud-based servers from cloud providers.

    1. Cookies
    2. Certain information such as login session information is stored in cookies in your browser so that you may make repeated requests to the service while logged in.

  5. How we disclose your information
  6. We make use of external services including Artificial Intelligence (AI) services to process and analyze your project information in order to provide you with the project results. We transfer selected parts of your data including your project data to our external service providers in order to provide our service.

    We use your billing information in order to collect monthly fees from you for using our service.

    We make use of an account management provider to store individual user account credentials and profile information and to manage login sessions.

    We make use of a backup service provider to store backups of all data provided to us.

  7. International data transfers
  8. Our servers are located in the United States of America. If you are using our services from outside the United States your data will be transferred internationally and stored on servers in the United States.

  9. Retention of your information
  10. We will retain your project information for as long as you wish us to. You have the option to delete project information at any time. We will delete all project information when you close your account.

    We retain your account information for a period of time after you close your account. This is to enable us to process remaining invoices and to comply with tax reporting regulations. There may also be a minimum number of years required by law that we must retain account information which is generally no longer than seven (7) years.

  11. Security of your information
  12. We make use of standard industry technologies to protect your information such as encrypted channels, firewalls and access restrictions. It should be noted, however, that no system is 100% secure and as-yet unknown vulnerabilities may be encountered.

    Our system administrators and support staff may, on occasion, perform activities on our systems such as upgrades, database changes, performance monitoring, audits, debuging or other activities which may cause them to see data you have stored or are using. All staff are covered by our non-disclosure agreement.

    1. Information in transit
    2. Information that you transmit to us over the web or on certain services’ internet calls is sent over SSL-encrypted connections. Emails as well as information that you communicate by telephone is not encrypted. Information that you communicate in person may be overheard by anyone nearby at the time.

    3. Information at rest
    4. We store your information in databases on our servers. We make use of SQL and other databases and use the data-at-rest encryption features provided by the database servers. Additionally, certain data like password information is stored as non-reversible hashes.

  13. Use of third-party service providers
  14. As disclosed, we make use of AI, billing, account management and backup service providers. Each of these have their own Privacy Policies which govern their use of the data we provide to them.

    In particular, we transfer selected parts of your data including your project data to our external service providers in order to provide our service and your full data is transferred to our backup provider.

    Important: If you are concerned that confidential or sensitive project data may be visible to external service providers or to our staff, we encourage you to make use of code names in your project data.

  15. How you can view, edit and delete your information
  16. All project-related data is viewable, editable and deletable by you through our service.

    Users may view and change their individual user information in their Profile section of our service. Users can delete their individual user account from the service.

    Main account and billing information is managed by your Account Manager and retained as stated under Retention of your information.

  17. How to contact us regarding your information
  18. If you need to contact us regarding your data stored on our service, you may do so by email to our Privacy Officer:
    You may also contact your account manager and ask for telephone contact with our Privacy Officer.

  19. GDPR Privacy Notice
  20. This Privacy Policy serves also as a GDPR notice regarding how we collect and handle your private data.

    What information we collect and why we collect it is documented here.

    What we do with this information is documented here.

    How you can view/edit/delete this information is documented here.

    Who you can contact regarding this information is documented here.

    Since we are located outside of the EU and there is no national privacy regulator in the US, should you feel that we have not handled your concerns appropriately, you should contact the privacy regulator in your country. A list of GDPR Data Protection Agencies (DPAs) in the EU can be found here.